
Maria Grazia Calandrone


“In her Serie fossile (Fossil Series), acclaimed Italian writer Maria Grazia Calandrone transforms the met- aphorical spectrum connected to the idea of “fossil” by turning it –and the process necessary to create it– into the very essence of love. Love is at the core of the entire collection, as the author herself suggests on the back cover: “Serie fossile is a poem about love, from the miracle of its birth to the agony of its end.” Love, then, is surrender, entailing the complete opening up to the other (ready to be inhabited) and irremediable transformation, a rebirth from which there is no going back […]” — Beppe Cavatorta, from the Afterword

Maria Grazia Calandrone, born in Milan in 1964 and based in Rome, stands as a prominent figure in the realms of poetry, playwriting, journalism, and performance art. Her poetic journey began with the acclaimed Illustrazioni (Illustrations, 1994), which received the Eugenio Montale Prize. Calandrone’s poetic repertoire includes award-winning works like Pietra di paragone (Touchstones, 1998) and Serie fossile (Fossil Series, 2015). In addition to her poetic achievements, Calandrone has explored prose with works such as the pseudo-novel L’infinito mélo (The Infinite Apple Tree, 2011) the novel Splendi come vita (You Shine like Life, 2021), shortlisted for Strega and Campiello Prizes, and Dove non mi hai portata: Mia madre, un caso di cronaca (Where You Didn’t Take Me. My Mother, A News Story, 2022) her last novel, finalist for the Strega Prize.

For more information, visit her website at

Listen to a short interview with the Translator.

ISBN 978-1-946328-42-7